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4 Tips for a Healthy Bladder

November is Bladder Health month and we at Kids in Motion care about your child’s bladder health! Our Occupational and Physical Therapists are trained in bowel and bladder management and often treat children with bladder conditions, such as bedwetting, daytime incontinence, and overactive bladder. If you are noticing your child is beginning to have bladder problems or if you would like to prevent your child from having bladder problems, you can start by making simple changes in your child’s everyday life by following these 4 tips.

1. Encourage your child to drink water.

The bladder LOVES water. It is recommended that children drink a certain amount of water daily based on their age and weight. Here is a general chart for water intake based on age.

Age Water recommended

1-3 years old 4 cups

4-8 years old 5 cups

9+ years old 6-8 cups

If your child’s urine is dark yellow or has a foul odor, he or she may not be consuming enough water in their diet. For increased water intake, try using a fun water bottle and encouraging drinking water throughout the day.

2. Avoid some foods.

Some foods and drinks may irritate the bladder and cause your child to have daytime or nighttime incontinence (wetting). Here is a list of common bladder irritants that you may want to avoid feeding your child if they have bladder irritation:

a. Artificial sweeteners

b. Caffeinated beverages

c. Carbonated beverages

d. Milk

e. Acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomato based products

f. Spicy foods

g. Foods containing red or blue dye

Avoiding these foods may help reduce bladder irritation and bladder issues.

3. Foods to Encourage.

A healthy bladder is also influenced by a healthy diet. It is recommended that children eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Low acid fruits, such as pears and apricots, are recommended rather than high acid fruits.

4. Get active.

This can be as simple as playing a game of tag, riding a bike, or climbing a jungle gym.

Bladder Therapy

Following these 4 tips will help improve your child’s bladder health and may prevent bladder issues. If you are noticing your child is having persistent bladder issues, such as consistent bedwetting or daytime incontinence that won’t resolve, let us know and we will set up a consultation to determine if physical or occupational therapy treatment is right for your child.



1810 E Main St

Mandan, ND 58554

Hours: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm, Monday - Thursday

Office: 701-415-0000  |  Fax: 833-969-0195

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